If you don't cooperate with their surveillance, tracing, digital ID tyranny, and get the RNA vaccine (that can affect your DNA forever), etc., you won't be allowed to work, shop or participate in society! Really!

Weekly Assignments
January 7, 2022
Access your textbook-Chapter 7 from sidebar
Try Tea Burn
Virtual Lab: Population Biology
Directions: Were we in school, we would perform a lab much like this. Complete this virtual lab...it's as easy as 1-2-3, A-B-C
Use the data table to capture your results.
1. Population Biology Virtual Lab
2. Virtual Lab Data Table
3. Make a graph of your results (data). Remember to T-A-L-K-I-T-U-P!
A. Name 3 pieces of lab equipment used in this Lab experiment.
B. Answer 4 of the following questions.
1. Make a hypothesis about how you think the two species of Paramecium will grow alone and how they will grow when they are grown together.
2. Explain how you tested your hypothesis.
3. On what day did the Paramecium caudatum population reach the carrying capacity of the environment when it was grown alone? How do you know?
4. On what day did the Paramecium aurelia population reach the carrying capacity of the environment? How do you know?
5. Explain the differences in the population growth patterns of the two Paramecium species. What does this tell you about how Paramecium aurelia uses available resources?
6. Describe what happened when the Paramecium populations were mixed in the same test tube.
7. Explain how this experiment demonstrates that no two species can occupy the same niche.
C. Write 2 questions you have about P. Caudate now.
Write 2 questions you have about P. Aurelia now.
Virtual Lab: Testing Corn for Mold
New Vocabulary:
Name 3 pieces of lab equipment used.
September 18, 2020
1. Watch the videos below to see lab equipment every high school science student should know and how to safely use them.
2. ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS take notes in your (3-subject) Notebook you have at home.
3. Next, complete this lab equipment worksheet. Submit your completed Lab equipment worksheet in Schoology.
Videos to watch:
Lab Equipment Explained
Lab Equipment in Use
Lab Safety
Root Word Mash-up
List of Common Biological Root Words
June 15-18, 2020. Week 9: Claws vs. Nails
A} Engage in Activities 1-3
B} Complete Assignments 1 and 2.
C} Turn in Assignments by... Adding work to your Assignments Tab on Teams, (or by sending it thru Remind or dps email).
Activity 1: Watch this week's phenomena video AND Read the Phenomena Description below. Complete the 'before' you study questions of this week's NoteCatcher ( #1-3).

Activity 2: Watch this Video on Claws vs Nails...Take Notes in NoteCatcher (#4).
Activity 3: Read this article (shown below). Now, complete the NoteCatcher Assignment (#4-6)
Complete the "Structure and Function" Graphic Organizer

Complete the Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer
CCC Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer
Complete the Graphic Organizer

Complete the Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer

CCC Cause and Effect Graphic Organizer

Please Review this before making your model!!

Complete the "Patterns" Graphic Organizer

Complete the "Structure and Function" Graphic Organizer

• Something fun, especially if you have little brothers and sisters...even if you don't have little brothers and sisters.
Everyday at 3 p.m. the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden host a “Live Safari” from their Facebook page? It’s a great and fun resource to share!
• Good to know-All Metro Detroit YMCA's/United Wayare giving out lunches for children (up to 18)
Dial 2-1-1 or text FOOD to 877-877 to find a Meet Up and Eat Up summer site in your neighborhood.
City of Detroit Free Meals for Children, Free Meals for Seniors and Groceries for Families Distribution Centers
More info can be found at Hole's Anatomy and Physiology Textbook
It's Back...Online Anatomy Website !!
Websites to learn/review from on your own:
Hole's Anatomy and Physiology online supplemental Site
Anatomy Drill & Practice
Interactive Body by the BBC
Access an Online version of our Textbook here!
Chapter 10: Nervous System I
Cell Membrane Article
Electric Brain Video
Human Body: Urinary System Review
© 2017 Carolina Biological Supply Company
Essential Question: What is the structure and function of the urinary system? Objective: Review urinary system structure and function for test preparation.
Without using any resources, fill in this table. Structure Function(s)
1. Kidney
2. Ureter
3. Bladder
4. Urethra
Label the internal anatomy of the kidney and describe each part's function. _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________
Human Body: Urinary System Review
© 2017 Carolina Biological Supply Company
Justify the following simile. Make sure to incorporate kidney structure and function. The human kidneys are like a water filter because:
Explain the roles kidneys play in maintaining homeostasis. Include pH balance, blood pressure, mineral ion concentration, plasma volume, and hormone secretion.
Describe the causes, symptoms, and treatment for these common urological conditions. Acute renal failure
Chronic kidney disease
Kidney stone
Urinary tract infection
Bladder cancer
Kidney cancer
Uremia Use this diagram for sketching and labeling.
Comments (1)
Natalie Garcia-Foster said
at 9:22 pm on Apr 7, 2020
I think the frog legs moving is evidence that black magic is alive and thriving! Very, very evil! Mrs. Garcia
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