5/21/2013 - Muscular System - Chapter 9
Download the instructions here
- Compare and contrast skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle
- Explain the anatomy of the skeletal muscle
- Explain the major events that occur during muscle fiber contraction (6 steps)
- Identify the major functions of skeletal muscles
- Explain the relationship between exercise and skeletal muscles
Review Materials
Muscle Anatomy Powerpoint
Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Coloring
Skeletal Muscle Anatomy Questions
Muscle Contractions PowerPoint
Chicken Wing Lab
Muscular System Review 1
Muscular System Review 2
Muscular System Test
5/22/2013 - Integumentary System - Chapter 6
Download the instructions here
- Describe the structure of the layers of the skin
- List the general functions of each layer of skin
- Explain how skin helps regulate body temperature
- Describe the life-span changes in the integumentary system
- Examine fingerprints and compare them to world statistics
Review Materials
Integumentary Prefixes
Venn Diagram - Skin Layers
Layers of Skin Coloring
Fingerprint Lab
Concept Map - Functions
NatGeo Article
NatGeo Article PowerPoint
Skin Trauma
Integumentary System Review
Integumentary System Test
5/23/2013 - Cardiovascular System - Chapter 15
Download the instructions here
- Identify and locate the major parts of the heart.
- Compare and contrast the systemic, pulmonary and coronary circuit
- Trace the pathway of the blood through the heart
- Investigate how the heart rate changes with different activities
- Write a scientific conclusion following the C-R-E-W format
Review Materials
Cardiovascular Prefixes
Heart Coloring
Scientific Conclusions - Animal Heart Rates
Heart Rate Lab
Microscope Activity
Virtual Microscope Website
Heart Conditions
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